- "What is killing this planet of many different nations -
Is that blind proposition of what's being the best for a moment..."
Pavel P. volykhine
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
All about The artist - Part 338
- "Those Summery colorful fields - are on my mind...,
When the Winter, angry with snow, - covers it all.., but - just fine...
I wish for - "The Mind Rainy Days"... - to clear the air that we live and breath......
To free and to focus our very intuitive conscious....,
Towards all of those, who are meant: - to be admired.., or defeated...,
Or simply - TO BE - being set free..."
Pavel P. Volykhine
When the Winter, angry with snow, - covers it all.., but - just fine...
I wish for - "The Mind Rainy Days"... - to clear the air that we live and breath......
To free and to focus our very intuitive conscious....,
Towards all of those, who are meant: - to be admired.., or defeated...,
Or simply - TO BE - being set free..."
Pavel P. Volykhine
Monday, December 29, 2014
All abut The Artist - Part 337
- "The real changes of the world would only happen
When the soldiers
that guard "the walls"
Will decide in their own human kind of an enlightenment -
- That those "walls" that they guard, even with their own lives...,
Are not that important anymore to all WE THE PEOPLE of this planet...
Violence creates violence, just like fire creates fire..."
Pavel P. Volykhine
When the soldiers
that guard "the walls"
Will decide in their own human kind of an enlightenment -
- That those "walls" that they guard, even with their own lives...,
Are not that important anymore to all WE THE PEOPLE of this planet...
Violence creates violence, just like fire creates fire..."
Pavel P. Volykhine
All About The Artist - Part 336
- "As an artist, - have you ever felt that the rest are kind of intimidated by the amount of your artistic talents....?"
" Multiple Dimensions" 30"X40" Pencils on Canvas by "PALEV"/Pavel Volykhine
" Multiple Dimensions" 30"X40" Pencils on Canvas by "PALEV"/Pavel Volykhine
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
All About The Artist - Part 335
- "I'd stay away from all of those "Unpleasant Emotions"....
Knowing that I've done my part and in every good, right and fair way possible..., even if it is hard...
I trust my: - Intuitive..., - felt good..., - felt right..., united.., combined.. and agreed on what is so much more important...!...,
As it meant to be and to act at that particular moment of time -within my conscious intuitive senses...,
With the kind of feelings that I have felt and have been field with... in the energy waters...
Of those particular waives of emotions that I've grown to hear preached by all those that led me to grow apart from my kind...
In the world - full of those "judgemental strangers" and - in massive proportions...
I've been through it all - all twelve lives before...
I've been "Up" and "Down".., I've lived with "Nothing" and "Plenty".., "Fed and Hungry".., "Pleased and In Pain"..., "Rich and Poor"...,
And after each "Winning Point" - I did wear those tentious "CROWN's"...,
But - the questions like: - What Is It All About? - Why? and - What is it all for?
Come to me... at so many points..., never leaving my thoughtful mindly grounds -
Sensing..., feeling..., hearing..., smelling..., touching..., seeing... and observing... down to "the lupe" type of analyzing -
As the facts of living and learning..., meeting and accepting..., crossing and inviting..., sharing and enjoying...
All that I am aware of..., know.., feel and see...
And who among "them", that are so proud and sure of themselves, would believe me?
I am aware of My "Play Times" and "Benches"...
I've rolled through the crowds - being quiet and loud..., performing the stadium stages...
And I've learned many things and even more - of what is the most important among so many that are lured to "The Draw..." ....,
But it is not as important as - THE UNITY OF ALL THE THINGS AND BEINGS..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
All About The Artist - Part 334
- "Every "Impressive Work of Art"....,
Art of all kinds and types that walk this life on this globe...,
Is an impressive statement of:
- "THE VISION"...,
And - "THE CREATION"....."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Thursday, November 27, 2014
All About The Artist - Part 333
- "You should always thank your father - for giving you your "life's beginning"....
nd your mom - for being born...."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Monday, October 27, 2014
The Answers We Seek - Part 29
- "In any form and of any type or a kind of that - "Human Relation"
That has that "Combination of Two"...
Is just the same as the greatest creation in the anatomy of a human body -
One hand - is "The Most Active"...
And the other one - is "The Most Supportive"..."
Pavel Palev Volykhne
Sunday, October 26, 2014
All About The artist - Part 332
- "In any form and of any type or a kind of that - "Human Relation"
That has that "Combination of Two"...
Is just the same as the greatest creation in the anatomy of a human body -
One hand - is "The Most Active"...
And the other one - is "The Most Supportive"..."
Pavel Palev Volykhne
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
The Answers We Seek - Part 28
- "There is Goodness even among/upon The Evil....
Treat everything and everyone with:
- Goodness...,
- Kindness...,
- Thoughtfulness...,
- Understanding...,
- Recognition... and
- Respect....,
But Most Importantly - with LOVE and CARE....."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Saturday, October 18, 2014
The Answers We Seek - Part 27
- "Capitalism disregards "The Hippocratic Oath", blinded by its earnings on a medical care of all types and kinds..., treating it as - business as usual..., knowing about the facts and the ways of a "human body lifetime" expiring..., when that time comes to be and to do so...." Pavel Palev Volykhine
Friday, October 17, 2014
All About The Artist - Part 331
- "WAITING is a DISEASE - YOU should THINK of something...., DO something...., BUILD something...."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
The Answers We Seek - Part 25
- "You have to pay attention to the very essence of the very word's development sounds like - DEMOCRACY: ˈ
demō - a public meeting or march protesting against something or expressing views on a political issue....
+ cracy - denoting a particular form of government, rule, or influence....,
Or simply hear it and read it in parts
De - wich is French as the preposition de, often meaning from or of, combines with the definite article to produce the following contracted forms. Moc - which is basically sounds like - To Mock.... and
+ Racy - which is sounds like Racy, which is - (of a person or thing) showing vigor or spirit.
Put it all together and - now you know what is behind that word..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine www.artofPalev.com (color palette for my thoughts and art)
Sunday, October 12, 2014
The Answers We Seek - Part 23
- "What do you think shall be the best answer to the question like: -
- "What Are We Doing On This Earth?"....?" Pavel Palev Volykhine
"THE ROADS OF LIFE" oil on canvas by Pavel "PALEV" Volykhine
Saturday, October 11, 2014
All About The Artist - Part 330
All About The Artist - Part 329
- "For the longest time of my life
My most favorite color was recognised as - TURQUOISE....,
But only later in life, watching the fireplace, on a cold winter days..,
In a place with THE SPACE for THE THOUGHTS to come...,
Placed in time for to have and to recognised what it says that: -
- It is the color of the hottest spot of the fire,
Ruled as the most precious and needed desire -
- To live as well in the life that/when YOU are at...?
- At that particular moment of its "burning"/living..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
My most favorite color was recognised as - TURQUOISE....,
But only later in life, watching the fireplace, on a cold winter days..,
In a place with THE SPACE for THE THOUGHTS to come...,
Placed in time for to have and to recognised what it says that: -
- It is the color of the hottest spot of the fire,
Ruled as the most precious and needed desire -
- To live as well in the life that/when YOU are at...?
- At that particular moment of its "burning"/living..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
All About The Artist - Part 328
- "THEY have successfully fooled us in so many ways...,
Like they've told us: - "Look! There is a shooting star! Make a wish up on it!"
It was a nice touch in: Make a wish up on it!...., but -
The very truth of it was - that some kind of a space vessel just went by....,
Traveling through this vast Universe, just passing us by,
Not paying any attention to us -
Simply because we are so divided... and separated, especially from the whole Universal Existence!
But THEY can not fool us all any longer - or can THEY?..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Like they've told us: - "Look! There is a shooting star! Make a wish up on it!"
It was a nice touch in: Make a wish up on it!...., but -
The very truth of it was - that some kind of a space vessel just went by....,
Traveling through this vast Universe, just passing us by,
Not paying any attention to us -
Simply because we are so divided... and separated, especially from the whole Universal Existence!
But THEY can not fool us all any longer - or can THEY?..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
- "This is the kind of a creative flow where you can get lost among the quantity of all appearing possibilities of all the visible scenarios.... - You have to keep the very first ones that appear - vivid, colorful and clear images that surprisingly stand out among all the other images that potentially capture your eye and keep on completing the canvas that will expose the moments of the most rarity and uniqueness that are of the most importance...." Pavel Palev Volykhine
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
The Answers We Seek - Part 21
I'd put it this way, if I may:
- "THE LIVING FATE sends us a repetition of THE EXISTENCES and the EXPERIENCES...
With the same GOAL in mind -
To LEARN that/WHAT we could not have MASTERED in THE RIGHT WAY - RIGHT AWAY..."
- "THE LIVING FATE sends us a repetition of THE EXISTENCES and the EXPERIENCES...
With the same GOAL in mind -
To LEARN that/WHAT we could not have MASTERED in THE RIGHT WAY - RIGHT AWAY..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine = www.artofPalev.com ; http://www.saatchiart.com/Pavel Volykhine
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
All About The Artist - Part 327
- A NOTE.., or A SONG..,
- Even The SYMPHONY... - that presents and delivers those awesome feelings to come out
Through each of the notes translated in to the sounds of the music...
Delivering its emotional sounds through the ear.... and - strait in to the hearts of the crowds...
It also could be in a form of:
- A PICTURE.., or A NOVEL..,
A MOVIE.., or just a simple, but A TRUE STORY..,
Presenting some TRUE REAL IMAGES of all the thoughts that had been never solved...,
Never balanced and put to rest within our souls...
The ones that keep on hovering around - for to be shared and resolved..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
The Answers We Seek - Part 20
- "This World's population is in a desperate need of
THE ENLIGHTENMENT/EVOLUTION within an each single soul
That will become aware of the very own INTUITIVE CONSCIOUSNESS.."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
THE ENLIGHTENMENT/EVOLUTION within an each single soul
That will become aware of the very own INTUITIVE CONSCIOUSNESS.."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
All About The Artist - Part 326
- "People, as kids, - of all kinds and colors get along just fine until they enter public institutions, where they get inflicted with "obedient discipline", "competition" and "fear"...."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Thursday, October 2, 2014
The Answers We Seek Part 19
Pave Palev Volykhine
All About The Artist - Part 325
- "What does it really means, or serves The Very Purpose of being - a "Star", or even - "The Star"?
And I am talking of any star that feeds the public's sensations of any type or a kind..,
Describing the state, the status and the life of being:
Heard of.., red about.., seen.., viewed..and then:
Liked.., recognized.., admired.., loved.., respected.., needed.., popular.., famous, and so on...?
- The answer is as simple as the appearance of the stars in the night sky -
They are open...., visible..., bright...., beautiful...,peaceful.., enjoyable.... and -
Simply available for everyone to see..., to talk to... and to wish up on... "
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Friday, September 5, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
The Answers We Seek - Part 18
- "There is no GOOD without the EVIL....,
Simply because - Lessons had to be learned....
As - there is no EVIL without GOOD,
Simply because - even EVIL is in need of something GOOD..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Saturday, August 23, 2014
The Answers We Seek - Part 17
"THE END OF LIFE" .....?
One of these days on this Earth - you will recieve this kind of message....
That is very true - one day the day will come, when your own intuitive conscious mind will tell you: - "This is the end, my friend".... the end of the ride... Because it is.... and was and always is - just a ride for your soul to enjoy it mentally physically beyond the imaginations of being, existing just as an energy..., connected to everything and all throughout the whole Universe, but even that is never enough for our striving souls. And there we go - go on with living in a physical body, but just for a wile, in the proximity of 1-100 years..., all up to you, BUT - it is just a ride....
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Poetry - Paragraph 1
- "The sounds of the voices like the sounds of your feelings,
That come from the heart of a single soul in the way of singing....,
Produced and enhanced by the sounds of the vocal cords -
- Singing to express the feelings
That came from within, but without any words.... -
- Is one of the very old wisest methods used by Am. Indians
To communicate with "The Higher Power", "Great Spirit", "The Creator", "God",
Or what ever else you'd wish and believe to call: -
"HIM", or "HER", or "IT"...
To what ever name you gave in...,
If you believe at list in one of "HIM", as the greater spirit... - YOU will win...,
Because you're never along....
And that's how the sounds, the singing of them and songs with the words wore born..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Sunday, August 17, 2014
The Answers We Seek - Part 16
- "Speaking of the Art and the art of Words as a form of expression...,
Considering the concept of that saying: - "What came first - the chicken or the egg?",
I must say that the sounds that we made - served us first...,
Than came the drawings... - that served us second...
And then - we developed the words... as sounds naming the objects and feelings..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014
All About Love - 07/20/2014
-"It's just the way it is - a man will always love a woman...
It's just the way it is - a woman will always love a man...
Together or apart - two souls of one heart...,
When love is real - its truth will live forever.
We are the keepers of our lonely hearts and souls
so full of disappointments and regrets...
We do believe that we are doing our parts - as coins...
And we agree that life's as good as it could get...
We live and learn..., we work and earn... - so steady...
But only some of us are aware of true love...
We dream and wish..., we need and want, but we don't study
Why do we come to life leaving that heaven way above...?
- For love! Because it's all about love!
True love! Loving alive beats all the loving from above!
So Live and love! Go out there - fall in love and love at any chance you get
Enjoy the moments of its feelings - as it presents its self for you to be, to live and love...,
Even if you loose in loving, even if it hurts you, even if it "kills" you...,
We all do come to life - to live and die for love...
There is no greater reason or a feeling -
- To love and to be loved..., or - to be loved and love..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
It's just the way it is - a woman will always love a man...
Together or apart - two souls of one heart...,
When love is real - its truth will live forever.
We are the keepers of our lonely hearts and souls
so full of disappointments and regrets...
We do believe that we are doing our parts - as coins...
And we agree that life's as good as it could get...
We live and learn..., we work and earn... - so steady...
But only some of us are aware of true love...
We dream and wish..., we need and want, but we don't study
Why do we come to life leaving that heaven way above...?
- For love! Because it's all about love!
True love! Loving alive beats all the loving from above!
So Live and love! Go out there - fall in love and love at any chance you get
Enjoy the moments of its feelings - as it presents its self for you to be, to live and love...,
Even if you loose in loving, even if it hurts you, even if it "kills" you...,
We all do come to life - to live and die for love...
There is no greater reason or a feeling -
- To love and to be loved..., or - to be loved and love..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Thursday, July 17, 2014
All About The Artist - Part 324
- "There is a big difference between being a star.... and to be a part of some "star group"...."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Sunday, July 13, 2014
The Answers We Seek - Part 12
- "Just as the Nature
- That emerges and rises from the shadows to the light...
And back to the shadows again - to crave that light...
So is life.... of any human texture..."
Friday, July 11, 2014
All About The Artist - Part 323
- "Naturally - questioning and answering was a big part of the information gathering through that human communication...
Now days - just Google it... which is an advantage of some sort..., but it is "the ax" of the human isolation..." Pavel Palev Volykhine
Now days - just Google it... which is an advantage of some sort..., but it is "the ax" of the human isolation..." Pavel Palev Volykhine
The Answers We Seek - Part 10
"This life....,
Or any other that will come again for you to be...
Is of a quest, or test, or simply -
- True development of all that does exist of YOU..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
New Book by Pavel Palev Volykhine: "All About The Artist" - The Book and The Concept behind...
"All About The Artist" is a book that combines the collection of that multiplicity of an artistic thought+other thoughts in mind - all laid on a paper... for you to read it all in a very short, but understandable faze of phrases and saying, or even presentations of some very important slogans.... that guide you and lead you through and throughout about this life...."
Read all of the "All About The Artist" partson my website at - www.pavelvolykhine.com , or at - www.artofPalev.com - there are 322 of them posted so far and the number keeps on growing... - enjoy... Pavel Palev Volykhine
All About The Artist - Part 322
- "I run through the darkness - on my knees...
- I raise up to the sun - up with my hills...
- I reach down below - it is never enough...
- I raise my arms up... and - there I am found..." Pavel Palev Volykhine
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
All About The Artist - Part 321
- "Remember it when... -
- When Your mind gets cut up in "The Time Of Its Moments"...? -
- Those spacial moments of peace..., of the time... and the space...? ....
"The Moments of YOU...." - For your own thinking wonders... without any race...?...
- The moments are timeless... -
- You don't even wonder... -
- What time it is?!....
Those are "The Moments Of You".... - Lost in that questioning... and analyzing...,
Practical "herd -up-on-ruling" definitions aside, ..... - Finely THEY come - Realizations...!!!
With no temptations..., distractions..., or tests for impatience...
Moments in time that are quite so simple and very surprising
With "Honorable Thoughts"..., "True Questions"..., - "True Answers"!
At times of "True Moments of You" -
- Your "Mind's Questioner" is so advising..., so supportive and so surprising,
Simply because there is no one or nothing - to keep on arriving or arising -
The next after next of a "second guessing nature" type of "unnecessary questions"...
- IT IS TIME! - Time for that Simplicity of all True Explanations!
Time to Listen..., To Hear..., To Feel..., Accept and To Support The Truth by pushing away all the lies and deceptions!
Open your heart to the Truth, only when you sense it completely...,
That will lead you to your own, but - "Connected Progressive Thinking"
That tells you and gives you - The Full Comprehensions
Of all that is... and of all that will be created among the ratios of this never ending as space....
And the never ending: - wild, chaotic, bold, but - effective and progressive ways of Procreating..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine
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