Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Answers We Seek - Part 17

"THE END OF LIFE" .....?
One of these days on this Earth - you will recieve this kind of message....
That is very true - one day the day will come, when your own intuitive conscious mind will tell you: - "This is the end, my friend".... the end of the ride... Because it is.... and was and always is - just a ride for your soul to enjoy it mentally physically beyond the imaginations of being, existing just as an energy..., connected to everything and all throughout the whole Universe, but even that is never enough for our striving souls. And there we go - go on with living in a physical body, but just for a wile, in the proximity of 1-100 years..., all up to you, BUT - it is just a ride.... 
Pavel Palev Volykhine

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