Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The answers We seek - Part 32

- "What is killing this planet of many different nations -
Is that blind proposition of what's being the best for a moment..."
Pavel P. volykhine

The Answers We Seek - part 31

- "Judge not as you can see, but by what you feel and hear and imaging..."
Pavel p. volykhine
- "Dress coat" is an invention to suite in to the environment that had been created..."
Pavel P. Volykhine

All about The artist - Part 338

- "Those Summery colorful fields - are on my mind...,
When the Winter, angry with snow, - covers it all.., but - just fine...
I wish for - "The Mind Rainy Days"... - to clear the air that we live and breath......
To free and to focus our very intuitive conscious....,
Towards all of those, who are meant: - to be admired.., or defeated...,
Or simply - TO BE - being set free..."
Pavel P. Volykhine

Monday, December 29, 2014

The Answers We Seek - Part 30

- "Life is not an approach to happiness, but a happy approach to it's living..."
PavelP. Volykhine

All abut The Artist - Part 337

- "The real changes of the world would only happen
When the soldiers

that guard "the walls"
Will decide in their own human kind of an enlightenment -
- That those "walls" that they guard, even with their own lives...,
Are not that important anymore to all WE THE PEOPLE of this planet...
Violence creates violence, just like fire creates fire..." 
Pavel P. Volykhine

All About The Artist - Part 336

- "As an artist, - have you ever felt that the rest are kind of intimidated by the amount of your artistic  talents....?"
" Multiple Dimensions" 30"X40" Pencils on Canvas by "PALEV"/Pavel Volykhine

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

All About The Artist - Part 335

- "I'd stay away from all of those "Unpleasant Emotions"....
Knowing that I've done my part and in every good, right  and fair way possible..., even if it is hard...
I trust my: - Intuitive..., - felt good..., - felt right..., united.., combined.. and agreed on what is so much more important...!...,
As it meant to be and to act at that particular moment of time -within my conscious intuitive senses...,
With the kind of feelings that I have felt and have been field with... in the energy waters...
Of those particular waives of emotions that I've grown to hear preached by all those that led me to grow apart from my kind...
In the world - full of those "judgemental strangers" and - in massive proportions...
I've been through it all - all twelve lives before...
I've been "Up" and "Down".., I've lived with "Nothing" and "Plenty".., "Fed and Hungry".., "Pleased and In Pain"..., "Rich and Poor"...,
And after each "Winning Point" - I did wear those tentious "CROWN's"...,
But - the questions like: - What Is It All About? - Why? and - What is it all for?
Come to me... at so many points..., never leaving my thoughtful mindly grounds -
Sensing..., feeling..., hearing..., smelling..., touching..., seeing... and observing... down to "the lupe" type of analyzing -
As the facts of living and learning..., meeting and accepting..., crossing and inviting..., sharing and enjoying...
All that I am aware of..., know.., feel and see...
And who among "them", that are so proud and sure of themselves, would believe me?
I am aware of My "Play Times" and "Benches"...
I've rolled through the crowds - being quiet and loud..., performing the stadium stages...
And I've learned many things and even more - of what is the most important among so many that are lured to "The Draw..." ....,
But it is not as important as - THE UNITY OF ALL THE THINGS AND BEINGS..."
Pavel Palev Volykhine

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

All About The Artist - Part 334

- "Every "Impressive Work of Art"....,
Art of all kinds and types that walk this life on this globe...,
Is an impressive statement of:
- "THE VISION"...,
And - "THE CREATION"....."
Pavel Palev Volykhine