Sunday, November 4, 2012



“The Sketch of the Message”

"The Sketch of the Message" 
It would be very interesting to know - what each of us reads in this interpretation of "the message" received and sketched.... 
Please give your honest opinion of your reading of it - thanks

“The Sketch of the Message”

Sunday, September 9, 2012

"Dialog of Souls"

                          Dialogue of Souls

                           PART I.   “THE ENLIGHTEMENT”

               Volykhine Enterprises:    3419 Jasmine Ave Studio 5A Los Angeles CA 90034
                                                 Email: Phone: 3238772664

                                                  Part I “THE ENLIGHTNMENT”

Question from an Artist:

       -  “Until the shelter of a simple robe, a thirsty sip of water and a hungry piece of bread….
Not many seem to find the will to rise – to see, to feel and finely, to comprehend or even
Understand that it is your love and wisdom, holy waters, wine and bread
That saved the centuries of our true development and evolution
From far too many swift ideological solutions,
From far too many false but – unavoidable confusions,
From the loss of faith, eventually followed by all the phases – down to the fall of grace….
Conspired by the imminent delusions, way before and so far ahead,
We shall be ever grateful and forever in your debt….
          A classic tale of denial and betrayal - led our hearts and souls to the greatest ever loss…
For which we are still carrying its cross….
The crucifixion of your son… -
- It always lives with us as the most terrible and sobering reminder
Of how wrong it all began,
With something that should never had been done to no one by any one!
          - I’m on “my way” to find “my place” –  
Show me the way to love and grace! Share the Universe! Take me to space!
Just don’t abandon this magically tragic race!
Give me serenity! Bring the abyss! I need those depths – to hear you breathe…,
I need those waves – to feel you are here…, here or there, but somewhere near….
Just like the ocean – that moves my emotions, just like the sun – that keeps me warm,
Just like the moon, when I am all alone, tells me: - I’m wrong, because I’m not on my own….
Although I wonder – do we die when we die?
Or – do we go to heaven as angels and spirits, grazing our wings against a deep blue sky?
Oh, how much I wish that you’d answer my questions!
Not as the voice inside my head, but – face to face…,
Man to man, at any of all “crossroad” sections… -
No more excuses, please, just name the time and the place!
- You keep on telling me that you are always here with me…
That you have always been there for me and we have never been apart…
That there is always a part of you in my thoughts, words and ideas…,
That I will always be a part of you as well in the best of my life’s long creations –
Creatively desired by my “living art”…
            So, where are you now? Now, when I really need you?
Are you still watching or listening to the tortured spirit of my lonely heart?
Are you on the inside or on the outside of my mind, body and soul?
Are you with me or against me in the perseverance of the marrow of my bones?
In the tolerance of my nerves, passing through the thickness of my skin,
In the endurance of my muscles that feed on those vital signs of my virile blood?
Can you see why some people treat God the way that they do sometimes?
How often have you heard those voices that word disappointments, in fraises like: -
To hell with Him and His methods! Who needs this kid of God?”   

          - “You have to be good – for god to be good to you….
You have to be bad – for God to abandon you…
For as long as you have each other – you shall never live a “life of lies”….
For as long as you have Love to share – you shall love each other and always try…
For as long as you stand together as a proud crowd of achievers, tall and strong –
You shall go far to the distant stars and you shall keep going on and on….
For as long as you own your souls – you shall live forever and you shall never die…
Just like the Earth and the Universe,
Just like your sad, sad songs that touch me so deeply that they make me cry…
For as long as you speak to me and pray –
You shall never lose your confidence in goodness of a “fair play”…
For as long as you speak of the truth out loud –
You shall never compromise your morals or standards -
- For the faster way in or that easy way out…
For as long as you are true and fair – no one could harm you, no one would dare…
For as long as carry me in your thoughts –
-  You shall always receive my signs, codes, votes and notes…
For as long as you see me in your eyes – you shall always strive for the highest highs…
For as long as you give – you shall receive…,
Because what you get – is a direct result of what you’ve given…
Don’t ever forget it and please, believe.
For as long as you love truthfully – you shall be loved…
For as long as you forgive – you shall be forgiven…
For as long as you share your half – you shall always laugh and not have it rough…
For as long as you give away some of your living –
- Happiness and divine satisfaction shall be given…”  

Question from an Actress:

          - “I could just lie and tell you that I’m happy, but deep inside me - I plead and cry…
It’s almost as I’m living in a dream that I’ve perfected so high,
But in reality – I live the life of lies…
So many times I feel I should be grateful – as so many other lives just go by…
I am trying to be strong; I’m willing to stay fateful and still remaining faithful,
But there’s no one around me who really cares or simply gives a damn.
I have no one who’d give his love to me – for me:
For what I have inside, for that the inner beauty that’s within…,
For whom I am just as I am… – me, a human being, a woman or a girlfriend…,
Me, as a wife or a mother, even a colleague or a close friend.
            I try so hard to live a happy healthy life, and always give the others helping hand,
But for some strange unknown reason, no matter how much I try,
I always end up getting hurt at every end of my supposed so glamorous and fancy life.
A life that is so big, so rich and so darn expensive,
That’s known to me as being an unhappy and unsatisfying lonely life.
Somebody else would give it all for what I’ve got –
I’d give it all for love and strike the iron while it’s hot!
To me it’s clear – it always about either Love or Money…
I’d rather love someone and know that loving in my heart,
I’d rather be in love with that someone who is special - who’d love me as I am.
Who’d know nothing of my fame and riches,
Who’d even know nothing of my name or who I am…
And even if he’d know, - for him it wouldn’t be important.
He who would be intelligent enough to know and to understand – money can’t buy you love.
No matter how hard or how smoothly they could bend the real truth,
He won’t pretend to be in love with me because of how much I have or spend.
He’d simply be the one – who doesn’t care about my money, as he doesn’t live for that.
He doesn’t give a damn how much is set aside, he’d live to love, to be in love and to be loved!
Or is this just a hopeless and elusive dream?
         At each and every privet silent moment – life without love dehydrates my heart…
I would have never chosen the pass to fame and fortune,
If I would have been aware of the pain I know now - from the start!
I’d turn away from all the “big time” roles that I’ve portrayed and played –
- I’ve had them, and for what? I’ve done them, but for whom and why?
Is it about talent and the money for the art I’ve shared?
Because, no matter how ironic, in the end – nobody ever cares what’s deep inside me,
What is the most important to the measures of my heart…
For all the rest of them – it’s just another “show biz game”.
And all that counts – is the measure of my fame.
             I should have given my true self to that “unlucky”, “unsuccessful”,
However simple, honest and sincere guy, who always wanted to be near by…,
Who loved me so dearly and so madly than,
Who deeply cared for me and never cared about “them”,
Who was so young and handsome, so loving, so sensitive and funny…
Oh well, another day – another story, another film – another bright-light beam,
Another role – another gossip scroll, another cruise – another flash of news,
Another friend – another sorry “Stoli”, another “lover-boy” – another “public toy”…
I’m still alone in my pursuit for fame and glory,
Jumping from life to life in my character roles, flying from location to location,
Moving from stage to stage, from scene to scene… and I see it more and more clearly –
- Love is the only an elusive dream that I cannot win…”  

            - “Particular life” – has its particular price and style…,
“Specific kind of life” – usually demands that specific human kind…,
“Certain kind of life” – requires certain expectations as well as denials…,
“Real life” – is for real, it seeks the truth and it is made out of real stuff.
“Ordinary life” – lives accordingly to what it is as it is, or could be as it becomes…,
“Extraordinary life – is just extraordinary… - it launches to the tops of our human hives
And then – it plunges to the bottom eventually, when it has had enough.
“Regular life” has nothing irregular… -
It rises at sunrise and goes to rest viewing the sunset, just like everybody else.
“Normal life” considered to exist as organized and formal, follows the rules and obeys the laws,
 Between higher and lower or louder and quieter –
- It prefers to stay in the middle of any life situations and - to not have any flaws…
It doesn’t take risks, doesn’t bet and never goes after anything it could possibly get.
“Simple life” – is as simple as it could be and there is no other way to set it freer…
Who needs complications? It is much easier to agree – to disagree?!
Although –
- There are some expectations that time to time do shake the branches of its narrow tree…
“Big life” lives big and spends big, to show off before each “Ms. Piggy” or “Mr. pig”…
Goes home, counts the winnings, piles the money, joins some other “big league”
All in order to make it big.., just like that Mr. or Ms. “pig”, but with lesser spending,
Saving each penny on buying an “exotic fruits”,
And constantly pocking and picking on each “insignificant fig”…  
“Small life” – dreams a lot, works hard and lives light…,
Practices keeping it fairly perfect and saves as much as it can, but then –
After it sees that there is no end to it – it abandons its not going anywhere hometown
And leaves it all behind - to pursue a new dream…
             Life is a living circle, bound by the balance of Mother Nature’s rules and laws and -
Based on that down to Earth “Acoms Razor” simplicity of a common sense and undeniable logic
That serves and protects the very essence to “the cause” of its consistency in its procreation…
And no temptation can beat its reasonable explanations…
But life as it chosen –
Will take the resemblances of all those complicated labyrinths you have created,
Grooming its mysterious riddles, uneducated guesses,
Anticipated question and fears of unknown…
To each and everyone it shall be clear - nobody ever gets pampered in the middle of it all.
No one shall ever be completely and fully satisfied or pleased…
Life’s “wild card” shall read: - “You are the one who makes it happen…
You are “the master” and “the slave” of all that you desire, dream and crave…”
No one shall ever be completely blessed or happy with it all –
There is no point to “the goal” that once achieved - has no need for to grow any further…
Plan for another brand new start and find new grounds for your own perspired burning heart
To live your life as only you can live it…. And enjoy it.”  


          - “I’ve built my life, as one could say: - “Stone to Stone”, then – “Step by Step”….
I’ve worked so hard for all I’ve got… and I have sung, and so much harder –
For everything I thought I shall get…
I took my time to see my signs…, to follow and focus on my cues – to understand my clues…
Without any “dealings” and without any “shady help” –
- I’ve faced directions of all kinds presented – to what is “right”….
I’ve traveled with “the map” of what is “good”…,
I have walked “the roads” of what is “true” and “fair”….,
And I can tell you:  – that “bad” – didn’t do me any “good”…,
“Wrong” – didn’t bring me any “rights”….
And “Lies” – won’t give me any “food of price” for being human in “His eyes”….
I’ve seen a lot…, I’ve heard a lot…, I’ve learned a lot and, thanks to you –
I’ve let no one to mess with me or “put me on the spot”…
I’ve fed my mind and soul with all those kinds of spiritual and paranormal foods…..,
I’ve tried to make things right – by staying good and doing good…,
Whenever I’m available and ready…
But, no matter I’d get, I keep on finding – another spark that hides another threat of truth,
That tells me more of who you are….
Despite my faith and trust in you, - I still remain confused and superstitious…
I may be foolish or facetious but, - I keep on “knocking on that wood”…
Not on “the heavens door”… - I ring “the bell of truth” to get attention needed…
And still, I have those feelings – that I need some more…!?
There are no limits to my dreams; there is no ending to my wishes that I will have to work –
Work even harder for…
           I know that what is meant to be – will be…
And what was meant to come – will come…,
Whatever’s meant to happen – will happen and son on… but,
Please, hold on - on your desired expectations!
-          “Whatever happens – happens for the best” they say…
That doesn’t really work for me or even pray as ME for say…!
I hope and pray for somehow - “better outcome”….
To follow up on words that you would say: - “To each his own to bring it to the light of day…”
To have that “his” or “hers” the one and only way - to make it on their own”!
                 Sometimes I’d take a glance at what’s behind me…
The other time, I take a good hard look – at all that I have done…
Some days it feels like it’s too much for just one woman or a man…
But, most times, it feels like it is not enough and never will be -for any woman or man!
There is so much and more -that shall be done out there.
So much to say, so much to do and -to re-do, so much to change...!
I wish I could unite, with all the people, everywhere -
To help them come together -to listen to each other and to put it right!
Because, - time is running through their hands - just like grains of sand...
In nowadays, there is no chance or place -for any revolution.
It had been done before and it is over with -by "civil actions", demonstrations and in words.
The coalition of the suits, well paid and fed, is rather strong and more powerful than ever!
More likely, it will fire back at you with some kind of swift and very lethal sentence,
Ranging from the prosecution to the execution and, -don't always count on defense...
If you don't have the money and the power -you better be more clever than they are
And, if you wish to fight for all those words that had been turned around,
Those truthful and clairvoyant words that had been written to protect and serve -
The people of this land, with thoughts in mind -about all the people of this Earth....
Originated in the minds of many,
Written and embraced with thoughts -by some who really cared…  
The words engraved in blood, for before, now and after -in our very present Constitution
That speaks of us, as: - From the people! - By the people! - For the people!”  
It is not your fault or my fault! It is not his fault or her fault!
Faults follow those who plod -along or behind, away or down.
All things are easy to fold in a vault, of what could be called - "doing time" paying back...
But, when it comes to the faults of the world, - you all are as responsible as I
For everything and for everyone, who is actually at its very fault of doing...
Just like I told you so many times before: -
"To each -his own"! And there's always more and more...
Each one goes out to the world -to build his "nest" or to dig his own "mine",
To find "one’s self' and "ones place" -in this universe's space and time.
To find what is "his" or "hers" but, -to respect what is "mine" ...,
To walk this Earth at its center or at its "rim", for as long as it takes:
To rediscover "the light of the sun", -for as long as it takes to become "The One"!
Finding "the stones", planning "the steps" to follow and then -go:
"Stone to stone" with "Step by step" but, only within ones suitable range...
It just might take a big pile of all that you've done wrong -to put things right...
Your life can be tested and punished or even broken from having too much on its plate:
Just like, when you lose your "best friend" and his friendship -
To that silly young girl that you used to date... and all of a sudden, you find yourself –
Abandoned, sold and betrayed…  
Sometimes you may see yourself, so to say, - "hanging on a hook":
When, as strange as it sounds, your "favorite book" - becomes just another book;
When your "favorite look" - becomes "just another look" and -
Whatever had worked for you before -just doesn't work for you anymore.
Then you will find the need - to look for something newer, different and exiting but,
Most definitely, - providing...
          One day your "favorite poem" - starts to call for another new poem to make more sense

When your personal bloodsucking lawyer, of all selfish people on earth, - sells your defense...

And when you have tasted "the chills" - of iron bars and cement,
Next time you'll know what "they" - meant by "repent!"
And if, after all that, you still feel and crave to strike for more and more
Some things have to be changed - in order for you to find that "window", or even better "the door"
When wisdom is found, fine and divine,
To be able to speak the words, and ask for what you wish to be granted to you when "you" pray
When you say:
What you need, Why and What for – as something that actually makes some sense in your own defense…
Only then - everything will take its place in your beautiful mind...
Don't you hear me calling you inside your heart, inside your mind, and soul?
For your passion, patience and persistence - to rise up and to come out of it's hiding hole!
To beat the times of pain and sorrow that you went through so many times before?
To be again! To love again! To live and to experience it all-
- Over and over, again and again, more and more?!
Because it isn't over for you yet! Simply because you can still and always be "revived"!
Despite the pain and sorrow from your past, I know that you really desire more excitement in
Your life, the life that calls for you - to stay alive...
The problem at hand is - that "you" are divided!
"They" are - big, powerful, wealthy and strong!
"You" are weaker, poorer, more separated, excluded and crippled - by all "those thorns"...
"They" are the "social climbers" the popular, united and always invited,
You are too controversial and too contradictive; too critical and too crucial in your actions;
Too personal, soft and too addictive; too jealous, too greedy and too vindictive individually,
While "they" - have enough and keep on "building it" together, more and more
Of that, so to say, "Green bread" - to be able to pay and, time after time, to raise that - "Bridge"
For the crossing to be aloud, created by "them" as well and knowing to pay the "toll"...
There's no substantial need for any of "you" - to approve "their control",
They are well aware of you - being not very interested in "politics" at all...
And so it goes: "they" make "the rules" - "you" obey and play by those rules,
Controlled and feared to say - "your truth", even to pronounce a single word...
How selfish of you all to stand back and watch your own world - fall.
"You" as self-centered, self addictive, self destructive fools, who just don't understand:
That just like "you" - "they" need more and more but, for "themselves"...
Though, - "you" go to work and - "you" slave for that "somebody else",
Working for "a man", who will pay you to exist from sunrise to sunset and for what...?
Just to make it through another day...?
Well, here "you" are, as "you" remain and are named, - as forgotten and alone,
Singled out, singing the same old ... sad, sad song...
Sorry, I can not tell you it all, no matter how it looks.
Life is "the riddle" of figuring it all out...
Otherwise life becomes just another - "instruction book".”
-          Let me just come out and ask you out loud - these kinds of questions:

- "We" need a whole "new world"!?

Do we need "new people"? "New beliefs", "new ways" of life, "new faith" in our World!?

A new form of love, a new source of happiness, a new ideology for peace!?

Are we in need, of a somehow, much bigger, much stronger and so much more important-

Means and reasons for the truth...? More meaningful and suitable ideas,

Coming from "us", as real people with obstructive innovative points of views!?

Tell me, if I actually understood it right: -

We are the ones, who suffer all the punishments and consequences? - Right?

If we don't change our perspectives in our perceptivity and productivity of all we do –

We don't change the circumstances or the "dues" for our own upcoming "news"...!?

Because, we are the ones, who have become "accustomed" - to our funerals!

We are the ones, who have become so used to - all the burials without any rituals...,

We are the ones, who have become addicted to the diggings of the same "old truths"...

Isn't it you and "us", who have to think of things like these?

Isn't it you and "us", who have to work on things like these as well?

To see them done, somehow embracing and enlightening and, - eventually uniting everyone?

Isn't it the way to be - for "us", for "them", for "others", same as for you and me?

Let's change our ways - for "better days"!

Instead of complicating life as it is, - by writing more and more rules and laws just to get by,

Printing those solutions, motions, resolutions and so on...

Those that "we", so casually, - keep on amending, changing, typing and retyping again and again… 

Bureaucracy was never known for its good ideas, - not even speaking of noble fighting…”  


          - “You are all supposed to go on with your living, enjoying your "given time"

Of "this life" or "the next life" of yours - as only you can see fit...,

With a faithful acceptance of what it is...

And of its "moral standards" and - "the arts that stand out" and actually fit: -

In that righteous frame of yours, and eventually purifying soul, heart, flesh and mind,

Perfecting your true intelligence - by evolving with the trust of your intellect,

Randomly searching, digging and fighting for all "the answers" –

To all of the important, and not so important, questions that you personally collect...

But, only those who are - logical, simple, "Common- sensed" and "correct",

Can actually read and follow "the signs", "hints" and "tips"...

Exercise those naturally given individual gifts and talents - for this life or to the next,

To figure it out, to work it all out, by - evolving and perfecting your creative wits.

Create hand in hand with "mother nature", it will show and tell you it all...

Show your real kindness in your true understandings,

Be generous with the minorities and gentle with the - "miners",

Pay your "unregretful contributions"; just make sure that it benefits the most of all...

Go - step by step and grow - side by side with your evolution, combined together as people,

Passing over all that you have learned of this world - to "your blood line",

Including - "the following seeds"...

Explore "the time corridors" of your historically given path –

As a human race of many different colors and shapes, that so thoroughly had collected –
- "the library of facts, names and dates"...
And if you wish to make it all easier on yourself: -

Learn more in school, especially of what it is exactly that you're interested in the most...

Whatever they give you to know and even beyond the points of what they can teach...

Test it through collage, to gain some grounds to your "informative realizations" n' "finds",

Challenge it through the university - as it is "the university of knowledge"...

Rediscover and excavate the libraries of memories, - stored in the back of your mind...

Use that perspective of your own "soul collective awareness" –

Feel it as your spirit, call it your conscience, refer to it as your consciousness but,

Exercise it, use it for you, for yourself and please, don't ever forget about the rest...

Day to day, it will serve you better to stay farther away:

From all of the primitive, barbaric or savage kind but still, don't ever leave anyone behind.

All has, and must be accounted for all of it - for all of it to work it out and to be...

All that you have to do is live and learn of how:

To care in the first place and enough, to actually love it then and later, maybe even after but,

Be aware of the truth and what's or no use to you and meet it with simple laughter.

Pay attention to your reflexes; follow your instincts - not your impulsions for a "quick fix",

Benefit your wisdom, sharing with the others but, only with those that are in the same mix.

Be you! Be real! Be true! Be humble, honest, fair and square!

Don't leave out any - "un-figured out" or "un- solved" issues, but of course,

Give it time - to give it all a chance, even a "second chance", if that is what it takes,

Be patient at its best for the most of its parts, still remain aware of what's going on and –

See what comes along, back in return, to strip you of "your grace" or to embrace your path...”


         - “I'm sitting under a large old "Oak tree", cooled by the shade of its wildly drawn branches...

It had landed here, planted its roots and spread its arms, in lines you can only imagine.

Right in the middle of my field, where I have grown and for so long - ''the grains of my food"...

You can easily see - it is a perfect imitation of how life lives goes and grows...

I'm thinking of life as it is.., of what it should be ... and, realistically, what it can be...

If only I could find the way to ask you,

For not what I essentially want but, - for what I really need...

I would probably receive that "acceptable" answer - to the puzzle of my many questions,

Filled with all of those thoughts, ideas and visions - inside of my own "field of dreams"...

Sure thing, - I definitely know that I have to bring those strongest contradictions

Of my deepest views, opinions, arguments and points,

That could be and will be presented to you - my humble testimony of my simple "needs" for life...

But only, in the ways of my own thinking, analyzing, rising and confronting,

In creating that "awakening": - for the very center of my statements,

To the very truthful nature of my very wishes - in my very plain but, somehow,

Open, sensible, sincere, believable and, most importantly, faithful pleads...

There is no other planning but, to go on with living, getting on with it and getting through it.

Whatever it takes - I'll do it! Do I have any other choice?!

So many times I feel like saying through the screams of my soul: - "Hey you!

What are you thinking? What are we living for? What's going to happen to us?
What would we all be eating and drinking, when - it is no longer for us?

Will we all be at the best of it all, if it wouldn't be any longer for people like "me" or,

For lack of a better word, let's just put it this way - people like us "farmers",

The ones who are tamed - to provide those "life sustaining grains"?

How much more "dirt" does somebody else wish to dump on my plate?

What would it take and how much of it would it take - to work it out?

Somehow, with somewhat n' in some way, - I know and acknowledge that I'm not a Saint…

The more that I dislike, reject and eventually hate –

The more and much further I am losing my cool, without a doubt...

Hey you!

What are you planning? Loosing or gaining? What are you darning? Who are you blaming?

A woman on a cornfield, a man on a tractor, a girl on a bike or a boy with a dog named "Spike"?

How many times did you feel like you have no more strength to fight in your arms?

No more words to speak to justify your hard work, to defend and protect your farms?

Hey you, what is it you see ahead? What do you like or dislike?

And what is the feeling of that, still purifying its unity, "house of representatives"

That speaks of you and me as well as for us?

I'll bet - that you have felt so many times just like me!

How many times did you feel like quitting in the end - this or that "infertile field"?!

How many times have you felt like rising up and striking - instead of to heal?!

To save ''the roots" and "the branches" of your own self-bred family –

By protecting the cause of your deeds, embraced by each generation of yours - in your land?

Hey you!

What are you doing? What are you dreaming of? What are you wishing for?

Who are you blaming and who are you dooming? What is it all for?”  


          - “Something you have to understand, acknowledge and remember:

I am - "the spirit of the very seed", landed and meant to be grown on these Earthly grounds...

I am - "the soul" behind the very first and "self-aware cell",

That had been planted for your kind - to wear its "hood" or "crown",

Same goes - for those at "the top", or those that are always "in defeat".

I am "the roots" for the essence of life - to dig through the grounds or to explore the skies,

Even beyond its planetary proportions of solar systems, up to the universal boundaries.

To swim the lakes, the rivers and the oceans, surrounded by the shores

Of many different multicolored landscapes, - that sustain and beautify your home planet.

The cells that need to rise up in order to stand up straight and walk

Surround "the crowds" - of all the naturals that had, thought of and awoke...

Yes, I am a part of it all, as I am a part of you as well...,

Just like the mothers and the fathers, that left a part of them in you ... does it ring a bell?

Nature has its distinct examples – of that divine connection to everything alive...

Within your observations of its roots and branches - coming alive,

You'll find the means of asking for that real purpose of your understandings –

To notice and to believe in truth of "the existence of it all"...

That real truth of life and living, above, below and amongst you all...

When you combine all of your most collective and productive interests together,

Driven by the calls from souls of yours, born from those "given" gifts of talents,
Those that are actually capable: To have a vision to follow - what they are essentially saying,

United and inspired with its explosive dedications, that will provide the driving methods,

Not just of how to survive but, - how to live without any prejudice that usually calls for hypocritical lies.

Or for the tolerance of: "How come some things or beings are so much more than I?"...

The answers are always simple:

Leave that "comfort" of living and doing - "the same old things" in "the same old ways",

Catch up, don't stand still at the same level of any evolutionary "timeless" point,

Grow and enhance, modernize and multiply, combine and progress –

- Together with all the rest and hopefully for the best..., simply because,

All things and beings - have to adapt to the present world,

Which means - "change" in order to remain the "same"…”  


-          “From what I understand:

Mistakes we make - are equal to the quantity and quality of lessons that we get to learn...

Remember, for all the hearts we cause to break - it will be that heart that brakes your own...

Your heart gets hurt, soaked out and salted - much stronger than that of which your heart is made…

And all the "wrongs" that we have done, to anything or anyone,

Will march towards us in numbers of the punishments that we have slowly gained to earn...

Some things can only be redeemed by someone's "true apologies" and requests for "forgiveness"

Or, otherwise, - endure your pain and let it bleed or feel it bum ... –

That seems to be the turn we all eventually take...

Bad thoughts we think - are equal to the number of confessions we speak or think of...

From the spark of our conscience, that quietly stands and watches in the back of our minds,

To the moments of consciousness, ''the real kind", stored in the diaries of our memories and some-

Are immortalized in ink...

All of the hurtful words we say - will equal the verbal pain we receive from others.

We grow up too soon, too tall and too smart for our own good –

To disobey and soon - to disrespect our own mothers and fathers,

Those who gave us "the gift of life" - in the first place...

The things we do, forbidden and unthinkable, are equal to the problems that we can't get through.

Problems that hunt us down with the guilt and stick to us like dirt, like tar, like glue...

"Eye for an eye" and ''tooth for a tooth" - this is how life lives and works, balancing its rules!?

But, from what I have learned, and make no mistake, it is not for me or for anyone

To decide or to carry on those affirmative actions on behalf of you my Lord,

You are the one and the only who are able to handle it and to rise up - these kinds of "stakes".

"The higher power" protects the truth! You'll learn it and you'll know it,

One of your days, as life goes on, you will comprehend that: -

- If you haven't done wrong - you have nothing to fear or to lose...”


        - “Follow your heart, because your heart - is your "scale" on the ''weight of humanity"...

Your heart is "the source" - of all that you are as a human being of all "homo sapiens";

Your heart is "the force" - behind your greatest emotions, actions and powers;

Your heart is your "lucky talisman" - protect it as only you can, because you'll need it...

When, no matter who, what or where you are, no matter what you do or say,
Do it with all your heart, put your heart in to it and, in every beginning of any pursuit,

Finish it or stop and take a long hard look at it, figure it out but, - never quit...

Constantly stay in touch with your heart - it shall be at the top of your priorities:

Of how to start and to go on with your "days of living" or –

The "nights of absorbing" all of your unsolved emotions that visit you all in your dreams

And - that is a great start on its own...

Follow your heart - to open your mind and, eventually to free your soul.

Then - you won't make another mistake...

Words can be simple but, if truthful, their intentions will always show you the right route to take:

In every effort of any goal, in every doing or making, no matter how big or small,

In every direction of each and every part, if you stay with your heart, -

Your work shall produce with an accelerating rate and –

You shall be destined to achieve, as well as to accomplish, so as to win

And your final rewards - shall be great!

Your heart is your "link" to the universe - the universal energy sustains its beat;

Your mind is "the window" to the universe - perfect, round, always open and absolute;

Your soul is "the door" to the universes secrets, that holds "the key" to your existence;

"The door" stays unlocked for your absolutions, providing the distance to your persistence...

The true knowledge to life - stored safely in your mind from your very beginning;

The very essence of life, that streams in your blood and works within your flesh –

Are the cells that worked themselves to death to build you "the vehicle" to travel this life with...

Let your natural sensors speak to you, as they do, when the tension of conscience is raised

And it speaks to you through your mind ... - please, pay attention.

Watch and listen, analyze - until you actually understand and then –

Ask your questions out loud and receive the answers but, again –

Pay very close attention to how they are being answered: "presented", "projected" or "served"...

Stop accepting certain circumstances in your life as "miracles" - it's still me watching over you!

I will save you from any "wrongful defeat";

I will protect you from being abandoned or deceived,

Just, please, I'm asking again and again, - pay attention!

Stay in the circle of life ... round it up ... connect it ... make the ends meet!

Peace and serenity is much livelier and lovelier than any monoliths of any pyramids - 

Those that resemble none other but the natural heights of the mountains…

The right kind of answers - are always those that are the simplest of the most and the easiest of all,

Those that stick in your mind deeply, making undeniable sense – are worth to be heard...

The true kinds of feelings - are those that almost cannot be controlled...

You know more than you think, the only mistakes that you make –

Is that you think more than you know, or try to do more than you literally can...

Avoid the corners of any geometrical prisms, - bend and round up your ways as I have said...

Way before it becomes your "mental prison"

Fragmenting your focus of an undivided attention - in too many ways and directions,

Sharp angles and far away corners of all undecided collections...

Then you will most definitely find the focus of your main determination - left almost for dead...

The answers are always available - if you have the right means...

New journeys are always out there - if you have "great reasons" to deliver "great deeds"...”  

Homeless man:
           - “Why do you allow so much pain –

- In all of its disturbing agony of suffering?

Enough of ignoring our desperate screams, when we bleed for your mercy, soaked deep in the pain

That, of course, we have caused to ourselves, but still, - to be perfectly honest,

We are hiding all of the most sorrowful and coldest tears - in the pouring rain of your grace,

That, to be truthful, does heal our "hunger" and "thirst"...

It looks like, no matter what - our pleads of forgiveness –

Still remain hidden in the "waters of sorrows" or among the unspoken dunes of "emotional sand",

That talk of nothing else but - "the end", gagging our voices with dust and mud,

Still buffering and polishing that fear of you as - our God ... What do you want from us?

Some other kind of constant struggle, that is bursting away our comfort - bubble after bubble?

Please, let us go! Just let us go! Let us do something that is even remotely close to your greatness!

Otherwise, whatever lessons that you have to teach me or us - I just don't want to know!

All these statements, opinions, ideas, views and so on, tell me one thing - according to whom?

Is all of what you say and do essentially true?

What's wrong with you? Are you retarded? How could you leave us so broke, so despaired and tired?

I've called for you, I've prayed to you, I've bled for you and cried to you,

I've plead and sighed so many times remembering your oath until, soon enough –

I literally got broke down to ask you: to take me away from this life or to forgive me and let me be...

I've thought a lot about you lately and I would vote - not to live the life you have created,

I'm not an idiot, you know, I already told you that I refuse to live my life, the life that you have created

- As another "slave", that keeps on trying to flee another potential "slave boat"!

Take a good look around you - how many of those "broken hearts" and "spirits" do you see?

Those souls are the ones - which you failed to allow remaining on board. 

Left by you - disregarded, ignored, disconnected, so vulnerable, so lost and completely unprotected.

And as a result to that, how many have turned away from you to plea to the "devil",

Willingly getting on board of "his ship" for "dealings of help" and, if agreed of course, -

- Full and unconditional support?

Realization of how to manage one’s life comes a bit too late, to those who have suffered enough,

Becoming too easy - to be taken by the "evil bate"...

All those,

Ruled by the greed that is practically impossible to feed, - fall for the oldest trick in the book...

Easily captured by an "evil hook", forgotten all about the ''very meanings" of any "good deeds",

Point towards that "finish line" of being diminished, outcast and out lined...

Those that are corrupted by all "the wrongful" but, fast rewarding ways,

Eventually, sooner or later, do realize their fiasco in love - for the rest of their days...

Driven by the need of pleasure and satisfaction, so desperate from endless combinations of temptations,

Still being inspired by that golden pyramid, set by the life style of the Egyptians - they eventually fail,

Entering the gates below, by sinking very-very low, with nothing but sorry demands...

"Followers of "his" evil commands and demands, doomed by the very words of yours:

"Your fate is in my hands."

Is this the life anyone would seek? Is this the future that you need to breed?”


         - “If you wouldn't have any hopes "in order" - to keep your "trust" somewhat concrete,

You wouldn't stand by your beliefs, in order to find your faith to go on with its living,

You would just quit...

Because, you wouldn't have survived this far, simply because - you just wouldn't last...

You wouldn't have a prayer to keep you going - through each and every morning,

Day or evening time and all through the night that speaks so different at times...

And when you finally wake up, aware of what you should do and start going about it...

Should you exchange your old "B.S. ways“ - to something that's totally new to you but, very true?

Let me put it like this:

When you finally acknowledge - what it is exactly that you "need", more than what you "want",

Finding yourself stripped of your wishes and dreams, simply robbed of something to feed on,

Missing the part of your life and the fruits of your labor - one by one,

Whatever you worked for and for so long, in order to "own" and to "use" to your advantage,

Slowly disappearing inside the memories of those past opportunities and possibilities,

Like in the "black hole" that is gaining on - with your slowly aging bodily disabilities...

Let me give you just one of many examples, of what life in part like yours does

And how it brings you and drags you down and eventually drains you out:

Life filled with women and wine or men and hard booze - looks and feels more and more

Like a "second rate chance", when in actuality you are out of chances to have or to earn,

Especially, if you are on drugs or popping pills...

It's degrading, frustrating and simply impossible to plan or to want,

Consumed by your own inability to do it again, stunned by the fear, uninsured of how to make it.

Continuously trying to fake it and, eventually ending up - breaking it up right from the start.

Obviously, you just won't give up - all of the things mentioned above and maybe even more.

Uncertain of yourself to be ready, willing and able - to take and to handle the next sharp turn,

To handle your life and its living arrangements, including, of course, all expenses of life

In which you have to be able to earn that respect and admiration but, wait a minute, not yet...

Are you pissing it all away? Are you pushing yourself away from the others?

So involved with your own self?

Then, what do you think I should give you next - in return for your efforts?

I'd say, let the "doers" get it and let the "losers" burn, if you live like that!

And the lessons that you learn throughout your life- are the steps of your "development"

That you have to go through - in order to become "this" or "that" or those "better people",

In every aspect of its humanity, that eventually enters - "the heavens gates"...

Focused on brand new ways, dream of better days, figure out how only you can make it n' then

Go for it and take it, take control of your life!

There will be answers waiting for you of how to do it, just - once again, pay attention...”

                                                                   To be continued….